Интернет-магазин (Английская версия)
Seller's details:
IE Nemudryak Ilya Olegovich
Address: apartment 209, 38, ul. Eltonskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, 603146
Registered as an individual entrepreneur by
IFNS (Federal Tax Service Inspectorate) over the Sovetsky district Nizhny Novgorod city from 27.06.2005
Under the following OGRNIP (Primary State Registration Number of the Individual Entrepreneur) 305526217800019
INN (Tax payer ID) 526211283370
Bank details:
Nizhny Novgorod branch of RUSSIAN CAPITAL JSCB
settlement account 40802810701150000004
correspondent account 30101810300000000821
BIC 042202821
IE Nemudryak Ilya Olegovich
Address: apartment 209, 38, ul. Eltonskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, 603146
Registered as an individual entrepreneur by
IFNS (Federal Tax Service Inspectorate) over the Sovetsky district Nizhny Novgorod city from 27.06.2005
Under the following OGRNIP (Primary State Registration Number of the Individual Entrepreneur) 305526217800019
INN (Tax payer ID) 526211283370
Bank details:
Nizhny Novgorod branch of RUSSIAN CAPITAL JSCB
settlement account 40802810701150000004
correspondent account 30101810300000000821
BIC 042202821